uptodate cme

We need at 100 CME credits every 2 years. The UpToDate is the easiest way to get CME on the go. We invariably look up for more info while working and why not get CME at the same time? Most hospitals provide UpToDate freely in our hospital computers. We just need to logout from hospital … Read more

Symbols Prompts

Sample Markdown # Second Heading ## Blockquote > ** bold**  *italics* * italics and later **bold**. ~~ strikethrough~~ . [A link](https://doctorchandra.com/) to somewhere. *** ________________________________________________________________________________________ The end …

Prompt Tools

1. Colon (:) 2. Comma (,) 3. Quotation Marks (” “) 4. Parentheses (( )) 5. Brackets ([ ]) 6. Curly Braces ({ }) 7. Pipe (|) 8. Hyphen (-) 9. Asterisk (*) 10. Slash (/) 11. Equal Sign (=) 12. Semicolon (;) 13. Angle Brackets (< >) 14. Ampersand (&) 15. Ellipsis (…) 16. … Read more